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We provide a variety of non-medical care services to you or your loved ones.
senior women on a wheelchair and smiling male caregiver

Umana Home Care Agency caters to the home care needs of aging individuals, as well as those with disabilities. Our team is proud to offer the following non-medical care services to our clients:

Assistance with toileting

Our caregivers are skilled in helping clients with toileting in a safe and dignified manner.


Bathing can be made easier with the helping hands lent by our carers.

Changing bed linens

Let us do the work of changing the bed linens for you or your loved ones.

Dressing assistance

Our carers will help make sure that you are dressed accordingly and comfortably.

Grocery shopping

You receive additional sets of hands when you or your loved ones shop for groceries.

Hair washing and shaving

We have experienced personnel who can help you with washing your hair or shaving.

Laundry and ironing

Laundry and ironing will be less of a hassle when our caregivers are around.

Light cleaning

We can perform light cleaning tasks to keep you safe and healthy at home.

Medication reminders

Since we know the importance of medications to your health, we help you remember when to take them.

Mopping and vacuuming

For a clean, safe, and healthy home, we can do the mopping and vacuuming.

Performing miscellaneous errands

We can run errands for you or your loved ones.

Preparing meals

Meal preparation is one of the specialized skills of our care personnel.

Other personal care needs

You may discuss your specific care needs with our team so you will know how we can address them.

Taking the client to appointments

Doctors’ appointments are especially essential to your health, so we make an effort to take you there.

Washing dishes

We help keep dishes and utensils cleaned for your use.

Watering plants

When you need help in watering the plants at home, we will be there.

Recreational activities such as taking walks, playing games, and reading

Our team will make sure that you or your loved ones will not go lonely at home through a number of recreational activities we can do together.

Our team specializes in providing the assistance that older adults and those with disabilities need round the clock. We are not like hospitals where seniors receive less attention and move about with very little space for an expensive cost.

Through our senior care services, you or your loved ones can live a full, healthy life. We always make sure that each client is treated with the same level of respect, courtesy, and honesty similar to that received by your family members.

To take advantage of our services, please do not hesitate to contact our staff today!