For more information, call us now! 414-797-3707

Know what you can expect from us as your care provider.

Umana Home Care Agency is a home care agency specializing in providing non-medical senior care services. Our main clients include senior individuals, as well as those with disabilities.

Through the services we offer, we hope to help our clients age well and live full lives right in their homes. Our clients can always expect high-quality services from our staff. Such services are customized to ensure that the clients’ needs are addressed, making them happy, agile, and comfortable.

Serving the Milwaukee and its surrounding areas, our caregivers are well-trained and experienced in providing extra support that seniors and those with disabilities need. With our team around, daily activities can be done and enjoyed safely and confidently.

senior woman and caregiver smiling
Mission and Vision

Umana Home Care Agency is committed to helping seniors and individuals with disabilities live comfortably, safely, and healthily in their own homes by providing them with high-quality home care services. Experienced and highly qualified caregivers are on top of their unique needs.

Learn more about what our staff can do for you or a loved one. Get in touch with our team today.